A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Indonesian and Western Cultures in Live Performance


  • Moh. Ainun Naim Faculty of teacher training and education, Madura University Author


cross-culture, Indonesian culture, Western culture, compare, different


One of Asia's larger nations is Indonesia. A wide range of cultural backgrounds age quickly. It originates from a very ancient custom that was shaped by contemporary culture. Human communication is crucial. This study focuses on the cross-cultural interactions between Indonesian and Western residents. In particular, Indonesian national culture will be compared to that of the West. Everyone is aware that each nation has its own culture, and that eastern and western nations have distinct lifestyles. The purpose of this study is to examine Indonesian and Western cultures as they relate to daily life. This research employed a qualitative descriptive approach. The words, deeds, and lifestyles of Westerners and Indonesians were examined in this study. As a result, people in Indonesia have many notable differences in lifestyle, speech, and behaviour that are prohibited to those in the west


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